Bible Arts and Crafts the Sheep and the Goats

Bible Crafts and Games for Children's Ministry - K

How to Make Bible Crafts and Activities for Sun School and Bible School

Gideon Bible Crafts and Lessons

Gideon Bible Lesson for children - Kindergarten through 5th grade from

Gideon Fights the Mean Men of Mideon Bible Lesson for Children's Ministry

Go to the Gideon Bible Lessons, Crafts, and Activities Page for a lesson, crafts, and activeness ideas.

Gifts of the Spirit Activities

Unwrap a Gift

1. Write the words "the greatest of these is beloved" on the exterior of an envelope.

2. Place inside the envelope pieces of paper with the words that draw what honey is in 1 Corinthians thirteen:iv-7. Write ane word on each piece of paper: patient, kind, does not green-eyed, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, it is not cocky-seeking, is not hands angered, it keeps no record of wrong, etc.

three. Identify the pieces of newspaper inside the envelope. Place the envelope inside the box. Seal information technology and wrap up the box using x layers of wrapping paper. On each layer write one souvenir of the Spirit: Wisdom, knowledge, religion, healing, prophecy, distinguish betwixt spirits, speaking in tongues, interpretation, helping others, and administration.

4. Play a game like musical chairs except have the children pass effectually the gift while playing some music. When the music stops allow the kid who is property the souvenir unwrap one layer and read the word that shows after taking off the layer. Keep playing until someone gets to open the box. The child that gets to open the box should read the outside of the envelope and pass out the pieces of paper within. When everyone has a piece of paper, accept each child give an example of the words written on his slice of paper.

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Giving - God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Are Y'all a Sheep or a Goat? Dominicus School Lesson with Giving Crafts

Sheep of Goat Bible Lesson for Children from

In this lesson children larn that we all have unlike personality types. Some of u.s.a. are more similar sheep, and would rather follow than atomic number 82, and some of us are more than contained similar goats and would rather be leaders, but when it comes to our relationship with God, we should be more like sheep. Many people say they love God, but their lives don't prove it. They don't really follow Jesus. Jesus compares these people to goats. When Jesus returns he volition separate the goats from the sheep (the people who truly dear him), and only the sheep will inherit his kingdom. In this lesson children acquire practical ways in which they tin can live their religion by following Jesus' example. This Lesson is available to members just.

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Sheep Sweet Treat Gift Box

sunday school sheep sweet treat gift box bible craft from

Accept your children color and decorate small boxes and place candy inside them to give to someone who they think might bask a sweet treat.

Patterns for the Box and Labels to go along pre-made boxes are available to members. The back of the box says, "A sweet treat but for you to let you know that God cares for you lot, and I practise too!"

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"What Tin I Give?" Box Craft

Sheep Giving Box Craft for "Sheep or Goat?" Bible Lesson for Children's Ministry

Have your children decorate small boxes. Accept your children recall of things that they tin requite during the week, and write them on small pieces of paper that volition fit inside the boxes. Tell them to bring the boxes back next calendar week so they can share what they take done during the week.

Patterns for the Box and Labels to go along pre-made boxes are available to members. Matthew 25:40 is printed on the back of this box craft. Available in the KJV or NIV.

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God Loves a Cheerful Giver, Giving to the Poor

Talk nearly things nosotros can requite: Coin, clothes that we have out grown, old toys, our time, and our talents. Tell the children that they probably don't accept money they can give because they are too young to take jobs. They probably don't even get an allowance yet. But there are other things they can give. They can give their time by helping others, and employ their talents similar drawing, singing, and making things for fund raisers.

They can keep their toys squeamish and when they out abound them or they are tired of them, they can give them to the poor or sell them and use the coin to transport to the poor.

They tin can help decorate a big barrel in which they can bring in things they can't use anymore or would like to give. You can make information technology a class project. Brand sure the children know that they take to inquire their parents showtime before they give something away. Relieve up the items and so have a garage sale. Let the children know how much they made and where the money was sent.

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Separate the Sheep from the Goats Balloon Game

i. Before class blow up 10 balloons and draw sheep faces on half and goat faces on the other half. Draw horns and beards on the goats. You can utilise different colors of balloons for the sheep and the goats to make this game easier for younger children.

newspaper staff

2. Roll up several layers of newspapers to make a "Shepherd'due south staff" and tape it closed in the middle of the coil.

iii. In class place record lines on the flooring most two anxiety abroad from the wall on each side of the room.

Balloon Game

How to Play:

To play place the balloon sheep and goats in the middle of the room on the floor. Selection a child to be "Jesus" and give him the newspaper staff. The child should separate the sheep from the goats by hit the sheep to the correct across the tape line and the goats to the left across the record line. Time the child and and then have another child try. The kid that separates the sheep and goats the fastest wins.

If you have very young children who don't like balloons, or you don't have balloons, you can utilise plastic shopping bags stuffed with styrofoam peanuts and/or shredded paper. Sent in past Dian Dodson, Missoula, MT.

"Caprine animal or Sheep" Sheep Refrigerator Magnets

Sheep or Goat Craft

What you will need:

Jumbo Craft Sticks

Card Stock


Cotton Balls


Colored Pencils

Pocket-sized Magnets

What to do:

ane. Earlier course impress out the patterns and cut them apart. Cutting the jumbo arts and crafts sticks using the template to make the head and legs.

Member's Sheep and goat pattern members

Instant Download Pattern $2.00 -purchase sheep and goat craft

two. In grade have your children cutting out, color the and glue them to the craft sticks. They can likewise glue cotton to the sheeps head.

3. To finish glue magnets to the back of the sheep and goat figures.

God - God is always with U.s.

Snowflake Poem and Craft

Snowflake Poem and Craft for Kids from

Here's a keen little poem to teach children near God'due south love.

What you will need:

White Paper


Newspaper Glue

How to make:

one. Print out a re-create of the snowflake poem and print information technology onto different colors of paper.

Gratuitous Free Snowflake Poem Pattern

2. Cut out squares from white newspaper and have the children fold the paper in half diagonally and then in one-half once again and show them how to cut snowflakes.

If you don't remember how to brand snowflakes you can go to the Winter Crafts Folio for directions. If yous don't want to make snowflakes you can use snowflake stickers or fun foam shapes.

©2008, Digital by Blueprint, Inc. -*Meet Copyright Information

"God is E'er with Usa"

Turtle Craft


See the "Moses Hides from Pharaoh" Sunday School Lesson Page.

The Golden Rule

Go to the The Golden Rule Bible Lessons, Crafts, and Activities Page for a lesson, crafts, and action ideas.

The Good Shepherd

The following crafts are bachelor on The Resources Room a subscription site. They go with the Bible lesson "The Good Shepherd" - Costless sample lesson is besides available.

Shepherd and Sheep Craft

Lamb of God Cup Craft from

Good Shepherd Sheep Craft from

noodle sheep craft from

I have enjoyed being a subscriber this past year, my first. I teach three-5 twelvemonth olds in Sunday School at St John Neumann Church building in Bryn Mawr, PA with iii other mothers who rotate with me on a monthly basis. I have used many of your lessons and craft ideas with great success. Thanks for your fabulously helpful work. God bless you. Sincerely, Susan Stavish

Proficient Behavior

Expert Behavior Keys

Good Behavior Keys Activity for Parents and children

Parents can use these keys to help make children aware of bad behavior in a fun style. For example, when your child is being hateful you can say to your child, "Uh oh, I call back we need some kindness. Where is your kindness door?

Pretend to look all over your child's body to detect the key hole or use your kindness cardinal to tickle your child until he changes his beliefs or is at least is enlightened of it. If your child is whining, you can lock up the whining or open up the door and let it out.

Bethany Davis sent in this idea. Make a larger version of these keys and hang them upward in your grade. Whenever a child is misbehaving use the keys on that child.

What yous will need:

Dissimilar colors of affiche lath, markers, pair of scissors, and key chain (costs about xxx cents apiece)

How to brand:

1. Cut out some key shapes in dissimilar colors and punch a hole in the tops.

Member's keys pattern

2. On each cardinal write a sure behavior your kid need to work on such as: kindness, patience, no whining, listening sharing, etc.

iii. Put the keys together on a key chain ring with your child'due south name it.

©2003, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information

Skilful Samaritan

Good Samaritan - I Can Do Skilful Things Bible Lesson

The Great Commission and Tell the Good News

See The Corking Commissions Craft Page

The Great Commission Traffic Light Craft for Sunday School from

The Great Commission - Go Tell Others Travel Case Craft for Kids from

Growing in God's Garden Summer Bible Report Series

This series of lessons use different types of garden flowers to help explain biblical concepts. Children make garden-related crafts and play exterior games to reinforce the lessons. The complete lessons with crafts, activities and songs are available on The Resources Room.

Run into the Bible Themes - Growing in God'southward Love Page

morning glory paper craft

forget me not journal


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